Tuesday, May 25, 2021

From 7000+ feet, Williams, AZ


Saguaro Cactus on Route

Fire along I17

We'll be com'n round the mountain!!

Chapel of the Holy Cross. Built into the side
of the mountain. Took one year to build.

Natures beauty all around.


and more.....

and more

Downtown Sedona.

More down town.

Sedona is very artsy with sculptures scattered though out 

Beauty resides in town as well

This type of view surrounds you.

Down the road.

They serve some wonderful food to boot!!

Guess who's this wasn't.

     We arrived in Williams, AZ after a brief stop for a friend in Anthem, AZ. Highway 17 north to Flagstaff was strewn with accidents including a brush fire caused by a truck fire. It was a small box truck that burned to the ground. We were stopped dead for at least an hour.
     As you can see from the photos we spent our 1st full day visiting Sedona, AZ. Its truly a spectacle. Words can't describe the beauty that surrounds this place. It has become touristy off course but that still does not distract from the experience. 
     Tomorrow its the "Grand Canyon". Phil and Casey have booked a train trip up and back to the canyon. Charlotte and I will drive. The weather has been perfect. 27 degrees at night 75 during the day. No humidity. 

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