Saturday, May 22, 2021

Las Cruces, NM



                                                      Mountain Range View From Las Cruces

      We trekked across Texas south of Dallas/Ft. Worth down I 20 towards a hook up with I 10 again. We passed thru some familiar territories, Abilene, Sweetwater, Odessa, Pecos and finally El Paso. The scenery was not overly exciting. Prairie dotted with oil wells, and loads and loads of oil and gas related businesses. Speed limit was 80 mph for most of the way but that was out of reach for our unit towing a car. El Paso is a thriving city and as one passes through it seems relatively newish. I'd say they have seen a lot of growth in the past 20 or so years. We are staying in a very nice RV park just off I10. Went out to dinner at a 5 star (google map rated) Mexican Restaurant named Habanero's. It was delish!! And of course while in "New" Mexico we had to eat Mexican. We are off to Casa Grande, AZ tomorrow as a moving on leg to Williams, AZ on Monday.

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